Saturday SkyWatch

Image of the Jewel Box Cluster.

Saturday 14th September 2024

Hello Stargazers, this is your Saturday SkyWatch.

Tonight’s viewing is fair with the Moon at 80% fullness and some scattered cloud, but don’t let that stop you from venturing out to the Observatory tonight.

Venus will be visible from 6:27pm (civil sunset), and Saturn is rising at 5:20pm so will be visible at around 7pm tonight (when it hits an azimuth of about 20°).

The Kp index looks like it may fluctuate again this evening so also be on the lookout for potential aurora sitings.

While tonight is not the best night for viewing deep sky objects (due to the brightness of the moon, it’s a great night to come out and familiarise yourself with the night sky, listen to a sky talk from Michael and come and see Ophelia doing her thing.

Ophelia is our 16-inch Dall-Kirkham Telescope that our lovely volunteer Adam has been putting a lot of time and love into so our visitors can enjoy her putting on a show as much as we do!

Sunset is at 6:02pm tonight and a reminder that Crystals Restaurant at the Bowling Club is open from 5:30pm so you have time to have some dinner and then come visit the Observatory – it’s free! (Donations appreciated).

As always, we look forward to seeing you at the Observatory and don’t forget to look up wherever you are.!

– The TRRO team